The Liquid Energy project partners use also the knowledge gained from the practical work and contribute to the scientific discourse. Thus, in September 2021, an article “Liquefied bio-gas as one of the factors in achieving climate neutrality” (original PL title “Skroplony biogaz jako jeden z czynników osiągnięcia neutralności klimatycznej”) was published as a part of monography “Energy and environmental protection – modern solutions and future prospects” (“Energetyka i ochrona środowiska – współczesne rozwiązania i perspektywy na przyszłość”).

The authors focus on the challenges and opportunities in the context of a transition to a climate neutral society and interrelated market and technological changes. Based on examples of the pilot investment implemented within the project, such aspects like a necessity of an investment in new technologies or applications of innovative non-technological solutions that influence current business models are presented and discussed. Therefore, we are pleased to present the article (in PL language only) and will be happy to go on with any dialog based on remarks or feedback from the readers.

The article in Polish language available on pages 114 – 124: